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Women Leaders Empowerment in Hong Kong

  • 香港

Our mission

Empowering women leaders through collaborative learning, mentorship, and peer support to foster leadership skills and create a world where women lead with confidence and impact. 透過合作學習、導師指導與同儕支持,賦予女性領導者力量,培育領導技巧,共創一個女性能以自信和影響力領導的未來。

About our Circle

  • Meets once a week
  • Looking for members

歡迎加入我們的香港女性領袖賦能圈,這是一個致力於女性領導力成長與支持的活躍Lean In社群。在這裡,我們聚集了滿腔熱忱、追求卓越並致力於相互提攜的女性領導者。 邀請您加入我們的學習與賦權之旅,透過我們精心策劃的網絡研討會、富有洞察力的演講和互動討論,旨在提升您的領導技能並拓展您的專業人脈。無論您是剛開始步入管理層,或是尋求指導和希望提供指導的資深領導者,我們的小組為您提供了一個茁壯成長的空間。 在這裡,我們重視每一位成員的聲音,每位成員都是我們集體進步的重要一部分。讓我們一起應對領導力的挑戰,慶祝我們的...

1 Leader, 9 Members

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We’re always looking for new members. Join today to be a part of Lean In’s global community.

How it works

Circles are small groups of women who come together—online or offline—for real talk and peer support.

Why join a Circle?

We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever.

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