May Alba


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...You don’t need to do good to assure you’ll get goodness in return later on; you should do good just because you can.

I don’t believe in karma the same way some other people do. In my opinion, you don’t need to do good to assure you’ll get goodness in return later on; you should do good just because you can.

One of the most precious things we have nowadays — not only as humans but as members of communities, as friends, as consumers — is freedom. Freedom to decide what to do, what to buy, what to share or even what not to share. We have the freedom to choose.

Yet, only a few companies truly seek to empower us to go beyond simply deciding between one product over another. It shouldn’t be difficult to let us have a positive impact in our communities. Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, and in many respects it certainly does, but what if you — simply by using technology — could make someone else’s life easier? What if that other person you’re helping really needed it? What if you could make life easier for someone who has no access to technology? No iPhone nor Internet, maybe not even running water.

That’s how I came up with the idea for my company: I wanted to develop an environment where people could satisfy a personal need while simultaneously helping someone else fulfill theirs.

I wanted the company to fit the needs of the honest world, where a company can give power to the consumer. The power of freedom. The power of choice. The power of becoming an agent of change. That’s the greatest good we can give: to let the consumer lean in and empower someone else.