Lean In Circle


  • California, USA, California

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Why is basa fish banned ? why basa fish is banned, in my opinion has faced scrutiny and restrictions in certain places: Quality and Safety Concerns: Some critics argue that basa fish, often imported from countries like Vietnam, may not meet the same quality and safety standards as domestically produced fish. Concerns have been raised about the use of certain chemicals, antibiotics, and farming practices in the aquaculture of basa fish, which could potentially pose health risks to consumers. Mislabeling: Basa fish is sometimes mislabeled or sold under various names like "basa," "swai," "pangasius," or "catfish." This can lead to confusion among consumers who may unknowingly purchase a fish they did not intend to buy. Mislabeling can also make it difficult to trace the source of the fish, raising food safety concerns. This is one of the major reason why basa fish is banned <a href="https://justfishingspot.com/why-is-basa-fish-banned/">why is basa fish banned </a>

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