General Meetings || Focus on self-development topics such as (but not limited to) public speaking, communication and assertive language, health and wellness, women in sports #LevelTheField, bystander intervention training, workplace environment, and leadership development. Who Can Attend? || Open to TRU students and the Kamloops community in order to facilitate an opportunity for learning between professionals and students. Aim || Provide self-development support to enhance empowerment and contribute towards the goal of achieving gender equality. Advocacy || We will be sparking the gender equality conversation on Thompson Rivers University - TRU World campus, and, in the Kamloops community. Action || We will be organizing and leading Thompson Rivers University's 1st International Women's Day Conference on March 8th, 2017. Initiative || We will raise money to use towards empowering local underprivileged youth and interested TRU students in financial need. We will do this by helping to off-set the financial barriers that start-up costs may incur towards becoming certified to referee a sport of their choice. Refereeing will encourage participation in physical activity, provide work experience, and income. Most sports allow children to start officiating at the age of twelve. Social Media Connection via @trusuLeanIn || We will be posting content that will help support your self development. Opportunity || We will be inviting campus and community groups to collaborate and partner with us. We will be providing you with experiences that make a direct impact now while developing skills personalized to help you meet your goals. We help you build up your cv. We invite you to apply to join our Executive Panel to lead projects and events that will empower others! We invite you to become a member of our club to help see our projects, events and ideas come to life! What can we accomplish when we #LeanInTogetherTRU and empower one another? Join us and find out!
We’re always looking for new members. Join today to be a part of Lean In’s global community.
Circles are small groups of women who come together—online or offline—for real talk and peer support.
We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever.