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Lean In Circle

Redefining Sexy Appeal

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About our Circle

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A common trend to determine our worth as individuals has lowered highly to a standard that holds no value. What I am referring is how society these days has made the general public believe that they are only as good as how many likes they have on their daily posts on social media profiles. Especially for woman, this is very degrading and eventually cancels out a lot of the efforts that organizations as such this, levo league, gates foundation, amongst others strive for. There is a lot of talk about impowering woman I believe that by redefining Sex appeal is a great way to start. It's a topic we can all relate to, and something that the common woman strives to obtain. With this group I want us to get as many people involved, in all sharing what we thinking Sex appeal is in a woman. I truly believe it's something internal, it's a great sense of self worth, the ultimate connection of ones external self with ones soul. And not an erotic version of who we are, rather a graceful woman. A woman with poise, intelligence and great presence. If we can find the common ground on what it truly means to have sex appeal, I believe we will evolve to stronger and respectable individuals.

1 Leader, 10 Members

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Circles are small groups of women who come together—online or offline—for real talk and peer support.

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We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever.