Lean In Circle

Moms with babies

About our Circle

  • Looking for members

Circle focused on supporting each other during the craziest time in a woman's life: early years of motherhood! Lean In tailored and tweaked to the unique challenges paid and non-paid working moms face in every day life, due to gender bias both at work and home. As Tiffany Dufu says in her amazing book Drop the Ball, women have been told they can have it all as long as they do it all. If you were ever under this illusion... you were due for a big crash after having a baby. As most of us have discovered, having a baby, working outside of the house, keeping a relationships and friendships alive, and finding time for ourselves so we don't go crazy is ... well... just impossible. This means we do not do it all and always feel guilty as we do not measure up. We soon become resentful when we see our partners do not feel this way and most of our friends and family do not understand what the problem is, You have it all after all, so why aren't you happy? The only antidote that has worked for me is to be surrounded by women who are the same situation and who are willing to be open and honest about the challlenges they face. Just by listening to them and talking to them, I feel I am not alone, I am not crazy, I feel understood, supported and inspired. And everyday I feel a bit more in control, a bit less overwhelmed, a bit more myself. And able to dream big again!

1 Leader, 1 Member

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How it works

Circles are small groups of women who come together—online or offline—for real talk and peer support.

Why join a Circle?

We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever.