This circle is run by ESPN

ESPN: The "Only" Women in the Room

  • ESPN
  • Runs online

Our mission

We aim to provide a confidential space for women to interact, network and learn from one another. Through open dialogue, this Circle will serve as a space to discuss shared and diverse experiences women encounter in the workplace. ALL CONVERSATIONS ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND ONLY VISIBLE TO CIRCLE MEMBERS!

About our Circle

  • Meets once a week
  • Looking for members

Many of us find ourselves in meetings where no one else there looks like us, but we are not alone. This Circle's mission is to bring ESPN Women"Onlies" together to discuss our various experiences across multiple demographics and most importantly support one another. Why is this important? About 1 in 5 women say they are often an "Only" during work meetings, compared to only 5% of men who say the same. Women who are "Onlies" report having a notably difficult experience at work. They’re far more likely to experience microaggressions. They are more than twice as likely to be asked to prove their competence, and over three times more likely to be mistaken for someone more junior.

1 Leader, 1 Member

Join this Circle

We’re always looking for new members. Join today to be a part of Lean In’s global community.

How it works

Circles are small groups of women who come together—online or offline—for real talk and peer support.

Why join a Circle?

We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever.