Lean In Circle

Empty Nester Moms Back in the Game

  • Indialantic, Florida

Our mission

We seek to gather the women transitioning out of their primary role as Mother who wonder if it’s now time to “Lean In,” focus on career, and/or continue to seek work/life balance for other creative endeavors.

About our Circle

  • Meets once a month
  • Looking for members

Maybe you stayed home, or “mommy-tracked” yourself, or perhaps you were always working outside the home but now the kids are older and you feel like you should step up your work game. Or maybe you are conflicted about whether to lean in or continue to pursue work-life balance for other creative endeavors. Who do we want to be now as women gathering more years freed up from (most of) the rigors of child rearing? What are our goals for this point in our lives? How do we achieve them? Circle up with some supportive sisters in a similar life stage to explore our personal and professional options. Where do we go from here? How does our career fit into our lives at this point? In this monthly Lean In Circle, members will meet and discuss topics curated by leanin.org to help us to continue our professional development.

1 Leader, 4 Members

Join this Circle

We’re always looking for new members. Join today to be a part of Lean In’s global community.

How it works

Circles are small groups of women who come together—online or offline—for real talk and peer support.

Why join a Circle?

We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever.