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Lean In Circle

Eldoret Women Circle

  • Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County

About our Circle

  • Looking for members

Eldoret Women Circle is an offshoot of Jumuiya Women Group (JWG), a Community Based Organization (CBO) registered in 2001 with an active program on women’s empowerment and advocacy. It aims to achieve its goals through women empowerment, networking, civic education, training, research, advocacy, lobbying and information collection, packaging and exchange. The group derives its strength from the diversity of expertise and experience of its membership and allies. It strives to articulate plurality, human rights, health, security, dignity, freedom, environmental protection, economic justice and peace for all people and open up democratic space for women’s organizations in Uasin- Gishu county and North Rift region of KENYA. Vision-A society in which women and their children are able to realize their full social, economic, and civic potential Mission-To advocate and support the daily needs and rights of marginalized rural poor women to enable them initiate and manage their own socio-economic and development processes. Presently JWG has a membership of 20 rural women groups who came together with the determination to develop and empower women and girls by working towards development and the transformation of the unequal gender relations in society. Our objectives include: 1. Promote and ensure women's access to power and decision making positions in our local area. 2. Improve the economic conditions of women, girls and other marginalized groups by lobbying for financial services to be extended to them 3. Advocate for equal opportunities and rights for women in all sectors and increase women's access to, and control of resources and benefits. 4. Advocate for the elimination of defilement, rape and other forms of abuse and violence against women and children. 5. Collect and disseminate information on priority and other issues of concern to women. We are happy to invite other circle chapters to join us with a view of learning from you and also having exchange programs between your chapter and our chapter in Kenya

1 Leader, 1 Member

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How it works

Circles are small groups of women who come together—online or offline—for real talk and peer support.

Why join a Circle?

We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever.