Lean In Circle

DIBS Open Circle

  • Seattle, Washington

About our Circle

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging -Seattle is a new circle that will meet on the First Mondays of the month at Sweetgrass Food Company (https://sweetgrassfoodco.com/) from 6-8 . It will be an open circle, where up to 35 people can join a conversation about ideas and approaches to inclusion and belonging in this wonderfully diverse city. The food and drink options at this location are gluten-free, vegetarian-and-vegan friendly, and sustainably sourced. The primary purpose of this circle will be to promote belonging and inclusion to all of the people who want to join in. There is a lot of diversity representation within our chapter - and there are lots of people who come to Seattle from all over the country and the world who would really benefit from having an intentionally inclusive social networking group. I also have a few overlapping disabilities that make it hard for me to get to events all of the time - but I am determined to get to our events, and make a space for other people who may also have mental health or physical limitations that can make it even harder to make wonderful friends in Seattle. An Open Circle format makes it possible for people to come as they are able, so, come as you are able! We will do some icebreakers and networking and talk about DIBS topics as well. We'd like to invite you to join us!

1 Leader, 1 Member

Join this Circle

We’re always looking for new members. Join today to be a part of Lean In’s global community.

How it works

Circles are small groups of women who come together—online or offline—for real talk and peer support.

Why join a Circle?

We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever.