Our mission
Eliminate self-doubt, increase self awareness and become the best version of yourself.
Does the below sound familiar? Become a member and let's start helping & motivating each-other! "Pregnant! I was filled with dread about what it would mean for my identity at work. I’d always put my work first and was extremely committed to my career. Would this change once I had children? I had very little experience working for women, much less mothers, and was very concerned that people would assume I was less ambitious or hard-working now that I was walking around with a visible bump in my mid-section. In my case, I was also woefully uneducated about and unprepared for motherhood. Few of my close friends had children at that point, and I assumed that parenthood was going to be far easier than it was. After all, I reasoned, billions of people had children and worked. If all of them could do it, I certainly could."
We’re always looking for new members. Join today to be a part of Lean In’s global community.
Circles are small groups of women who come together—online or offline—for real talk and peer support.
We all need a safe space for real talk, inspiration, and support. Right now, we need community more than ever.