This network is run by Samsung Electronics America

WISE Lean In Network

Lean In Networks connect groups of Circles and individuals. Join a Network to connect with the Lean In community and see the power of Circles first-hand.

Ridgefield Park

About our Network

  • Looking for members

2 Network Leaders, 23 Members

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Lean In Networks are a great way to join the community and start to get involved. Through a Network you can meet new people and learn about new personal and professional growth opportunities.

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11 Circles in our Network

Samsung Group

Women in FSM roles at Samsung

This circle is for women in the Field Sales Manager positions looking to discuss growing within their role and...

Samsung Group

Gen X Women at Samsung

As the generation between the Boomers and Millennials, Gen X Women at Samsung saddle the gap. The world change...

Samsung Group

Child Free Women at Samsung

This circle is for Women of Samsung who are child-free

4 members
Samsung Group

Samsung Pre-K Moms

This circle is for Moms of children who are Kindergarten age or younger. We will chat about work-life balance,...

9 members
Samsung Group

Parents of LGBTQ+ at Samsung

This circle is for Parents of LGBTQ+ at Samsung looking to discuss how they can support, represent and advocat...

Samsung Group

New Women in Samsung

Bringing together newly arrived women at Samsung, led by a Samsung "veteran" to share tips for success and bui...

13 members

Building Emotional Intelligence

We've all heard of emotional intelligence and how it can help you get ahead. This circle will focus on buildin...

7 members

Single Working Professionals

A circle for professionals that may not have significant others or spouses around to network and build a suppo...

Samsung Electronics America

Women of Carrier & Channel Sales

This circle is to in place to bring the women of carrier & channel says together. We will learn, we will laugh...

Safe Space

We’ve all heard that mental health is just as important as physical health to maintaining a happy and healthy ...

Samsung Group in Jersey City

Future Leaders of Samsung

For professional women looking to hone their leadership skills and grow professionally within Samsung.

6 members