Lean In Networks connect groups of Circles and individuals. Join a Network to connect with the Lean In community and see the power of Circles first-hand.
Oficiálna sieť združujúca slovenské LEAN IN circles. Pridajte sa k nám a dostávajte informácie o najnovších prieskumoch, pozvánky na Lean In eventy a podporu pri zakladaní a vedení vašich circles. Sledujte nás aj na sociálnych sieťach. Official network of Slovak LEAN IN circles. Join us and get information about the latest surveys, invitations to Lean In events and support in setting up and leading your circles. Follow us on social networks.
Lean In Networks are a great way to join the community and start to get involved. Through a Network you can meet new people and learn about new personal and professional growth opportunities.
Start a Circle Visit our websiteLeanIn Kosice
We are a group of women working in the Tech space dedicated to encouraging and empowering each other to lean i...
Kosice Circle
Krúžok pre ženy, v ženskej energii a na pestoraké témy :) Hlavne pre tie, ktoré sa rady vzdelávajú a rastú a n...
Bratislava Lean In Venture
Bratislava Lean In Venture is a community or network of women dedicated to helping to achieve their ambitions ...
Košice Ladies
We are opening a new Lean in circle in Kosice looking for members. If you want to invest some time to yourself...
Lean In Slovakia
there’s nothing more impressive than a woman who knows her power (Venus Williams)
Magenta II.
A circle for women in TSSK who want to learn and grow together. It is an inspiring place where we encourage an...
ACCN FY19 Group 2
Cirle for women in Accenture, fiscal year 2019, Group 2 led by Lucia Benedikovicova
Created for us, WOMEN in Bratislava to meet online and discuss about LIFE, CAREERS and OBSTACLES we've met alo...
Women of HB Reavis
This is a Circle for women working at HB Reavis.
Slovakia_Accenture_Lean In_EN
This circle is organized with the purpose to support our woman in their growth within our organization.
Lean in slovensko
Stretavanie a zdielanie skusenosti so zenami, ktore si chcu plnit sny a mat rovnocenne pracovne prilezitosti a...
Kosice Lean in
We can grow together, as leaders as well as colleagues. Our mission is to inspire eachother, learn from eachot...
Expat Women Slovakia
Join us: Engaging, Educating and Empowering through networking opportunities and social events, valuable and t...
Mums in Action
Tento “circle” je určený mamám, ktoré pracujú popri materskej/rodičovskej alebo sa chystajú vrátiť do zamestna...
Daj snom krídla!
Každá jedna z nás stojí niekedy pred rozhodnutím ako ďalej vo svojom živote a rozhoduje sa, ktorým smerom sa u...
Bratislava women
This is a circle of women who want to empower themselves in event management.
LeanIn Bratislava
This is a circle of women for the women who want to support each other's personal and professional ambitions. ...
Bratislava BossBabes
Ambitious women who follow their passion and work hard to make things happen.
Lean In Bratislava Women
This is a circle of women in business (working at a company or having their own business, or currently being o...
IBM Divas
This is a private circle for ladies in IBM Kosice office who are open to share their ideas and knowledge but a...
DT ladies
This is a circle for women out of future Deutsche Telekom Kosice to support each other in growth
Lean In - Women in Tech Bratislava
This is a circle for women in technology working in tech startups and tech companies (or having a tech positio...
Bratislava Lean In Avengers
This is a Circle for woman who wants to meet another interesting woman with uniq goals, opinions, work and lif...
Biznis v lodičkách
Zo začiatku to bez otlakov nepôjde, ale s náplasťami v kabelke a vďaka pevnej vôli vieme v nich chodiť sebaist...
Lean In Women in Šaľa
Believe in yourself, your time is now! Circle for women located in Šaľa who want to open her mind and free her...
Give & Gain & Grow
International group of talented & ambitious women from different countries, different cultures and in differen...
Women in CN Group
This is a circle for women in CN Group who want to empower each other, learn and grow together.
The resilient mums club
Klub je určený mamám, ktoré čaká návrat do práce alebo popri rodičovských povinnostiach pracujú. Je to priesto...
onsemi Ladies
‘onsemi Ladies’ is a workplace group of women at onsemi. We want to get inspired and inspire others. We know t...
Ready to lead
This is a spontaneous continuation of a circle started at the Ready to lead Academy. The main topics for us ar...