This network is run by NatWest Holdings Inc.

Natwest Group Gender Network

Lean In Networks connect groups of Circles and individuals. Join a Network to connect with the Lean In community and see the power of Circles first-hand.

Join our Workplace Group

Our mission

Our vision is for NatWest Group to be a place where everyone, whatever their gender, can achieve their full potential. Our mission is to champion female potential and create a gender equal environment.

About our Network

  • Meets once a month
  • Looking for members

Our Lean In Circles community is a vibrant network of women & men in almost every country in which NatWest Group operates. Circles are small groups of women & men who come together regularly to support each other, connect over shared experiences, build each other up, sharpen their skills and have a place to be unapologetically ambitious. The mission of Lean in Circles is to help women achieve their ambitions and work to create an equal world.

5 Network Leaders, 780 Members

Join our Network

Lean In Networks are a great way to join the community and start to get involved. Through a Network you can meet new people and learn about new personal and professional growth opportunities.

Start a Circle Join our Workplace Group

19 Circles in our Network

NatWest Group in Manchester

NatWest Lean In - Circle 4

NatWest Group in Edinburgh

NWG Lean In Circle 7

NatWest Group in Chennai

Circle of Hope in India

20 members
NatWest in London

Circle 12

Natwest in Manchester

Empowered Women LIC

NatWest Holdings Inc. in Edinburgh

NWG May 2021 Circle 8

Natwest in Gurugram

Natwest Lean In Circle 9

NatWest Holdings Inc. in London

Gender Network Circle 1

NatWest Holdings Inc. in Saint Helier

NWG Gender Network Circle 17 - The Amazing community

RBS International in Onchan

Gender Network Circle 10

10 members
NatWest Holdings Inc. in Edinburgh

Natwest - Lean In Circle 2

Our aims are to develop a good network of female colleagues across the bank to learn, support and motivate eac...

NatWest Holdings Inc. in London


18 members
NatWest Holdings Inc. in Bengaluru

Lean In Circle Bangalore

18 members
NatWest Group in London

42 Rosie and Tina

1 member
NatWest Holdings Inc. in England, UK

Gender Network Circle 48

1 member
NatWest Holdings Inc. in Birmingham

Lean In Circle 41

1 member
NatWest Holdings Inc. in Edinburgh

Fiona's Circle

1 member
NatWest Holdings Inc. in London

LeanIn Circle 54

1 member