This network is run by Diversified Blessings LLC.

Lean In Women of Every Color

Lean In Networks connect groups of Circles and individuals. Join a Network to connect with the Lean In community and see the power of Circles first-hand.

Silver Spring

About our Network

  • Looking for members

Lean In Women of Every Color We organize trainings, and networking happy hours. We discuss the barriers that women encounter and specifically address the dimensions of gender and race and their impact on leadership. “Speaking while female” at work is a challenge for women and we seek to overcome those barriers. We also seek to educate the men of every color on how to support and embrace the movement. We invite women in leadership and experts on everything from negotiating salary to managing difficult conversations to participate and use your experience as a toolkit for others. "Knowing when to sacrifice one thing over another comes down to values and prioritization and is different for everyone." - Denise Thomas

1 Network Leader, 127 Members

Join our Network

Lean In Networks are a great way to join the community and start to get involved. Through a Network you can meet new people and learn about new personal and professional growth opportunities.

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2 Circles in our Network

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Diversified Blessings LLC. in Silver Spring

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