This network is run by PageGroup

Lean In Circles at PageGroup Latam

Lean In Networks connect groups of Circles and individuals. Join a Network to connect with the Lean In community and see the power of Circles first-hand.

Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Join our Leaders emailing list

Our mission

We aim to develop, impact and empower people, changing their lives, creating awareness around DEI and professional development.

About our Network

  • Meets once a month
  • Looking for members

1 Network Leader, 109 Members

Join our Network

Lean In Networks are a great way to join the community and start to get involved. Through a Network you can meet new people and learn about new personal and professional growth opportunities.

Start a Circle Join our Leaders emailing list

10 Circles in our Network

Page group in State of São Paulo, Brazil

NNCircle - LeanIn at PageBrazil - Laura/Gabi

22 members
Page group in Santiago

PageGroup Life Changers Chile

Somos un grupo diverso ubicado en Santiago- Chile, donde podemos expresar libremente y apoyarnos tanto en ambi...

9 members
Michael Page in Bogotá

Colombia & Panamá

1 member
Page group in Mexico City

Circulo Latam BabySharks

2 members
Michael Page in Buenos Aires

Pagers team AR

2 members
Michael Page in Lima

LeanIn PageGroup Peru

8 members
Page group in Bogotá

Col-Panamá Cículo MM

1 member
Page group in Campinas

Lean In Page Brazil Dani

1 member
Page group in Mexico City

Mexico - Potenciando agentes de cambio

Grupo de personas diversas compartiendo experiencias para concientizar y tomar acción para hacer agentes de ca...

7 members
Michael Page in Brazil

Lean In PageGroup

8 members