Rebels in Technology

Lean In Networks connect groups of Circles and individuals. Join a Network to connect with the Lean In community and see the power of Circles first-hand.


Our mission

"Learning is optional but so is survival " - said a wise person We believe we are all wonder women and by energizing and empowering each other we can become "Rebel" Leaders...and yes this world needs more rebels... This network is here to enable women to lean in together to grow their skills in leadership and technology by supporting each other in their journey.

About our Network

  • Meets once a month
  • Looking for members

1 Network Leader, 5 Members

Join our Network

Lean In Networks are a great way to join the community and start to get involved. Through a Network you can meet new people and learn about new personal and professional growth opportunities.

Start a Circle

2 Circles in our Network

Geeks dazzling in Data Science

I am looking to create a small strong circle of like minded technology geeks who are exploring the field of Da...

3 members
in London

Rebels @work and @home

This is a closed group of working moms supporting each other on day to day work and life challenges.