This network is run by Delta Air Lines, Inc.

Delta Air Lines Chapter

Lean In Networks connect groups of Circles and individuals. Join a Network to connect with the Lean In community and see the power of Circles first-hand.


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  • Looking for members

Delta Air Lines Chapter of Lean In Circles - start or join your Circle today!

1 Network Leader, 390 Members

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Lean In Networks are a great way to join the community and start to get involved. Through a Network you can meet new people and learn about new personal and professional growth opportunities.

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8 Circles in our Network

in Apple Valley

Delta Kindness Travels

We seek to promote kindness to self and others to make the world a better place. Daily we ask: 1. Where is the...

Delta Air Lines, Inc. in Atlanta

She Leads Circle

She Leads is a group of dynamic female leaders at Delta whose mission is to promote female leadership in all r...

Delta Air Lines, Inc.

ABLE Network On Disability

ABLE Network on Disability is a voluntary organization committed to making Delta the best place to work for em...

Delta Air Lines, Inc. in New York

LGA/QNY employees

A new interactive place for LGA & QNY employees to share ideas, make suggestions, and exchange Thoughtful, Inn...

Delta Air Lines, Inc. in Atlanta


Our objective is to provide support to parents of toddler/early school age children at Delta.

Delta Air Lines, Inc.

Cancer Support Employee Network

CSEN - Cancer Support Employee Network

Hashtag Field Sales

Field sellers leaning on each other for support in their effort to drive results.

Delta Air Lines, Inc. in Atlanta

Delta Women of Purpose

1 member