Sample email to help you invite new members

Below is a sample invitation email for Circle Leaders to use to invite individuals to join their Circle. Please update the information in red before sending.

Subject line: I’m starting a Lean In Circle–and I’d love for you to join!

Hi [NAME],

I just started a Lean In Circle—a small group of women who meet once a month for peer-to-peer mentorship, support, and leadership skill-building.

Our Lean In Circle will be a space for [ADD WHO YOUR CIRCLE IS FOR, e.g., Black women in Paris] to [ADD VISION/GOAL FOR YOUR CIRCLE HERE].

We’ll meet for at least six months and at each meeting, we’ll dive into a different topic, from [transformational leadership] to [finding sponsors to accelerate your career]. Lean In has teamed up with leading experts to create videos and activities that will guide our discussions.

I think you’d be a wonderful addition to the group, and I hope you’ll consider joining us.


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